The One Solution to All Your Business Challenges

There is only one source for all our business challenges.

Most of us look outside of ourselves for all our challenges:

  • It’s our prospect’s fault for not understanding our sales pitch
  • It’s our customer’s fault for not placing their last order with us
  • It’s our employee’s fault for not getting their work done on time
  • It’s always someone else’s fault

When we put the fault for our challenges on others, it puts us out of control and seemingly out of the ability to solve our challenges.

Truth is, that there is only one source for all our challenges, and that source is not outside of ourselves. It is ourselves.

  • If your prospect doesn’t understand your sales pitch, learn what you can do better next time.
  • If your customer didn’t give you their last order, ask them what you could have done differently or better to earn that order.
  • If your employee is not getting their work done on time, evaluate your hiring, training, and resource allocation practices.

When we see ourselves as the source of our challenges it puts us in full control of our destiny.

Next time you find yourself starting to blame someone else for any challenge, turn your attention to yourself and ask what you could do differently in the future to secure a better outcome.

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